We believe that all churches who are faithfully seeking to follow Jesus share the same mission: to glorify God by making disciples. We believe the glory of God is the ultimate purpose in all things, that Jesus is the head of the church, [1] that the church exists to make followers of Jesus, or what the Bible calls disciples, [2] and this shared mission is a significant part of what unites us with other local churches. [3]
At the same time, each local church makes a unique contribution to that mission. At Restoration City, we express our contribution through our calling, culture, strategy, and vision.
At the same time, each local church makes a unique contribution to that mission. At Restoration City, we express our contribution through our calling, culture, strategy, and vision.
- Isaiah 43:7, Philippians 1:11, Ephesians 1:12, Ephesians 3:21, Romans 11:36
- Colossians 1:18
- Matthew 28:18-20
Historically, the church has used the word calling to describe the unique plans and purposes God has for each of our lives. We believe that each of us has a specific role to play in God’s mission. [1] We think the same is true for us as a local church.
Our calling at Restoration City Church is to see people restored by Jesus, in community, and for mission.
Our calling reflects our belief that Jesus not only saves us but also transforms our lives. In other words, Jesus wants to restore us to His original design for our lives. We believe other people play a significant role in that work as we follow Him in community. Finally, we believe that God does this work in our lives so that we can more fully participate in what He is doing in the world, his mission.
1. Ephesians 2:10, Acts 1:8, 2 Corinthians 5:20
Our calling at Restoration City Church is to see people restored by Jesus, in community, and for mission.
Our calling reflects our belief that Jesus not only saves us but also transforms our lives. In other words, Jesus wants to restore us to His original design for our lives. We believe other people play a significant role in that work as we follow Him in community. Finally, we believe that God does this work in our lives so that we can more fully participate in what He is doing in the world, his mission.
1. Ephesians 2:10, Acts 1:8, 2 Corinthians 5:20
Strategic Distinctive
In order to fulfill our calling, we focus our ministry around three strategic objectives:
Spiritual Formation
At our core, each of us is a spiritual being and every aspect of our lives flows from our souls. [1] So, as God does His restoring and transforming work in our lives, He works from the inside out rather than from the outside in. The message of the Bible is clear: we change our lives by changing our souls. Spiritual formation wrestles with the questions of how we change our souls.
“Spiritual formation in the tradition of Jesus Christ is the process of transformation of the inmost dimension of the human being, the heart, which is the same as the spirit or will. It is being formed (really, transformed) in such a way that its natural expression comes to be the deeds of Christ done in the power of Christ.” – Dallas Willard
At Restoration City, we have developed a working theory of spiritual formation that embraces the essential link between our spiritual and emotional formation.
Neighborhood Transformation
Restoration City Church is located in one of the fastest growing and most diverse areas in Washington, DC. Our immediate neighborhood is home to many of our city and nation’s leaders and will soon be home to Amazon’s HQ2. At the same time, there is tremendous need in our community, particularly in the Chirilagua neighborhood.
As a church, we’ve made the decision to focus our outreach and service efforts on making a deep and sustained impact on our local community. We work with our partners at Gunston Middle School and Casa Chirilagua to love and serve those closest to our community.
Reaching The Next Generation
At Restoration City, we’re passionate about reaching the next generation (kids, middle school, college, and young adults). You’ll see this focus in everything from our budget to our programming to our Sunday morning attendance. This doesn’t mean that we’re only a church for young people. It means we’re a multi-generational church that’s willing to do whatever it takes to reach the next generation.
Spiritual Formation
At our core, each of us is a spiritual being and every aspect of our lives flows from our souls. [1] So, as God does His restoring and transforming work in our lives, He works from the inside out rather than from the outside in. The message of the Bible is clear: we change our lives by changing our souls. Spiritual formation wrestles with the questions of how we change our souls.
“Spiritual formation in the tradition of Jesus Christ is the process of transformation of the inmost dimension of the human being, the heart, which is the same as the spirit or will. It is being formed (really, transformed) in such a way that its natural expression comes to be the deeds of Christ done in the power of Christ.” – Dallas Willard
At Restoration City, we have developed a working theory of spiritual formation that embraces the essential link between our spiritual and emotional formation.
Neighborhood Transformation
Restoration City Church is located in one of the fastest growing and most diverse areas in Washington, DC. Our immediate neighborhood is home to many of our city and nation’s leaders and will soon be home to Amazon’s HQ2. At the same time, there is tremendous need in our community, particularly in the Chirilagua neighborhood.
As a church, we’ve made the decision to focus our outreach and service efforts on making a deep and sustained impact on our local community. We work with our partners at Gunston Middle School and Casa Chirilagua to love and serve those closest to our community.
Reaching The Next Generation
At Restoration City, we’re passionate about reaching the next generation (kids, middle school, college, and young adults). You’ll see this focus in everything from our budget to our programming to our Sunday morning attendance. This doesn’t mean that we’re only a church for young people. It means we’re a multi-generational church that’s willing to do whatever it takes to reach the next generation.
- Proverbs 4:23
Every local church has a personality. Here are some of the phrases we use to describe our culture at Restoration City:
Church Is A Community You Join, Not An Event You Attend
Church isn’t a building or an event. It’s the people of God.
Environment Matters
We want to create physical environments that contribute to a sense of anticipation, welcome, and beauty.
Contemplatives In Action
This expresses our desire to combine spiritual formation and community transformation.
Undeniably Positive Impact
Even if people don’t agree with our theology, we want them to be grateful we’re in the community.
People, Not Programs
We try to create programs that serve people not look for people to fill our programs.
Church Is A Community You Join, Not An Event You Attend
Church isn’t a building or an event. It’s the people of God.
Environment Matters
We want to create physical environments that contribute to a sense of anticipation, welcome, and beauty.
Contemplatives In Action
This expresses our desire to combine spiritual formation and community transformation.
Undeniably Positive Impact
Even if people don’t agree with our theology, we want them to be grateful we’re in the community.
People, Not Programs
We try to create programs that serve people not look for people to fill our programs.
When we talk about vision at Restoration City, we’re talking about what we think is next for us as we pursue our calling and strategy. Here’s some of what we believe/pray is next for us as a church:
- See our Spanish Language Community Group turn into a Sunday morning worship gathering.
- Expand our capacity at RCC Kids to six classrooms on a Sunday.
- Develop a Middle School ministry to serve the students already at Gunston Middle School.
- Go to a 2nd Sunday morning gathering.
- Weekly attendance goal for Community Groups.